Sunday, August 14, 2005

4 Wheels

Lately whenever I go to post, I can't think of anything to write. Of course I usually think to post right before I got to sleep, or when I get up in the morning. Times when my mind is generally a bit fuzzy. Things are good. I'm going to be purchasing a '94 Toyota 4Runner on Monday. I'm excited! I hope this turns out to be a good vehicle. I got the price down by $1500 from what the owner originally listed. I plan to put some of the money I saved back into ensuring everything is working perfectly and putting a CD player in (what's a car without a CD player!?).

So that makes me happy. I like toys. Incidentally, I have awesome parents. Not because they're helping me pay for this, though I definitely appreciate that too, but because they're not doting push-overs. Perhaps doting somewhat at times with parental nagging and oodles of seemingly extraneous advice and overburdening worrisomeness, but not push-overs. They come through when I really need them and they're looking out for me even if they're not perfect. They're awesome, what can I say?

On a different note, from observation and contemplation, I think I've figured out one of the key component's to making a love relationship work; I think it's compatible priorities. Interests and personalities and all the rest are subordinate to whether or not you value the same things. That's going to be annoying someday (when I actually get into a serious relationship?) since I'm not really sure what my priorities are. The only things I can think of are family--even though I've been at odds with my family from time to time they're a big part of my life--and God--who I've also been at odds with at times, but what would I do without Him? Other than that I'm not sure about much. Not much of an idea what I want to do with my life. I have no goals, only dreams...

Yeah, so life is continuing in a forward direction. Next thing on my to-do list is sleep. Mmmmm, sleep... Next week I'll look into making a hammock, that would be nice. And I ought to employ my sewing machine with making a snowboard bag. I hope there's lots of snow this winter (I'll be glad when I get back to a country that believes in white winters). Yeah, why am I still writing? I need sleep. I'm bad with transitions. From writing to sleeping; where's the "submit" button? Oh, there it is...


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10:55 PM, October 02, 2005  

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