Sunday, August 14, 2005

Drive-In Movies

Lazy Sunday. Yesterday was nice. The sermon at church was societally utillitarian, I ended up doing some scripture searches (more about that later?). The afternoon was an improvement. I slept. In a hammock. Thus part of my inspiration for making one, though I've been meaning to for a while. I'd like to make one that doesn't squeeze you so you're shoulders are in your face. Shouldn't be too difficult, methinks. The evening was fun. Went to the drive-in with about 15 people and we piled into the back of one big F350 when we got there. I had troubles getting my sound system to work right. Or more specifically the radio reception was bad. Too much interference. Finally got it to work alright for the second feature.

They were showing Fantastic Four and Stealth. Two rather predictable movies. I'd say that Fantastic Four had a lot of potential, but the director and screenwriter didn't try to stretch at all. It's sad that, just because it's based on a comic, people don't seem to strive for depth. And I'm really getting tired of the typical superficial megalomaniac villain. When will they learn? Stealth wasn't much better, really. A little more development stuff going on but nothing spectacular. Some of it was over the top, especially the side-arm "what's-her-name"--it's sad that I only remember Tinman/Edi/Uacav and Henry's names--was using after she bailed. I suppose a fully automatic "pistol" with unending ammo like that just goes along with the rest of the movie. I guess a pilot's survival kit doesn't need anything but a very large gun. Obviously I could go on about that... Anyway, there was one scene transition that I liked where it went from a pan down into the ocean to a pan up from the floor of the carrier. I liked that. Edi was kind of neat too, but he wasn't too much different from other movie artificial intelligences. Well I hope this isn't a major spoiler for anyone who hasn't seen these yet. These movies are alright but not worth full ticket price at a cinema. (...but if you haven't seen The Island, I'd recommend it. It has broad appeal and intellectual stimulation... I'd recommend War of the Worlds only it has a lot of sci-fi gore. Not broad appeal material. It's main draw is the take on the human condition and behaviour in crisis. Worthwhile if you're not squeamish and can get past the visual shock value.)

Moving on. I cleaned the floors today. It's been driving me crazy how my summer roomate spills stuff everywhere and doesn't clean up. I don't even know how he does it since I rarely even see him around. Oh well. I have a mop now. I probably won't need it much if I get a more conscientious roomie. *sigh* It's not exactly like he's a bad guy, I just don't believe it occurs to him that other people might be inconvenienced by his negligence, or him taking all the cups...! Well, there's my rant for the day.


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