Thursday, December 08, 2005

Blogged Down

Actually I only really have two blogs and I've just been copying and pasting so they're essentially identical. Nevertheless it seems cumbersome, perhaps even more so because they're copies, to have multiple blogs. On the one hand I like xanga because of some of the nifty features (like the listening to etc feature), but on the other hand it's kind of annoying how it has some other features (like you can't post comments unless you have a xanga blog, which doesn't do much for people who don't xanga but already have some other blog...). And though xanga is free, it doesn't give too many features or flexibility unless you pay extra. Blogger is kind of cool in that it's really customizable with templates and stuff, plus you can pull blogs using a newsreader. The xanga subscription thing is still pretty handy though. Anyway, I don't know why I'm rambling about this since I'm not actually trying to make any sort of point about either site. Just random thoughts. I'm done now.

here's my other blog, for random interest's sake


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