Sunday, December 04, 2005

In life, Pain is Inevitable but Misery is Optional

Chance and circumstance. It sounds like the title for a Jane Austen novel but it's not. It is life. Life is unpredictable, a matter of chance and circumstance. We cannot choose whether there is sun or rain or snow. There is nothing that anybody can do to control the winds of chance.

But character is not a matter of chance and circumstance, it is a matter of choice and conviction.

You can choose to grow as an oak or a tumbleweed, to build your life on shifting sands or on solid bedrock, to suffer in darkness or to light a flame.

I think I've come to a point in my seasonally effected depression (of seasonal affective disorder) where I'm just entirely tired of being tired. It's frustrating to sleep for 9+ hours and still feel like I ought to be in bed (or sleep for fewer hours and feel like I ought to be comatose). My head aches like I'm wearing a hat that's too small and I always forget meals (the making part and the eating part equally). Somehow winter is always an extreme hardship.

And I'm not going to stand (nor sit) for it! I don't yet know what, but I'm definitely going to do something.


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