Thursday, July 22, 2004

A blog, how interesting...

Ooh, I've started a blog... I think I'll write things down! Though not much for the moment since I'm spending more time figuring out the features of this website...


Blogger Ron Southern said...

Looks pretty good for just starting. By the way, I'd avoid writing about women in a blog, unless that relationship is all over, kaput, or as safe as your sister. If you are not "found" by accident or by Googling, you'll get exposed by a friend. Not always, but there's a chance.

11:33 PM, July 23, 2004  
Blogger David said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

10:13 PM, August 22, 2004  
Blogger David said...

Well, if you can be honest with yourself, no point in lying to everyone else... or perhaps if you can be honest with everyone else, no point in lying to yourself?

Anyway, either way, we learn more by what disconcerts us. If something doesn't bother me enough for me to notice it, I can't learn anything from it, I can't grow. If someone takes notice of who I am and what I say, even if it bothers them, at least it might start a conversation; maybe somebody will end up the better for it.

(I need to figure out how to edit my comments... I hate grammatical errors!)

10:16 PM, August 22, 2004  

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