Friday, August 05, 2005


So much for sleep. It's too warm.
So much for writing. I'm too tired.

a haiku
the words spill
free at last

I suppose somebody will say that a haiku must conform to the 5-7-5 syllable form. But I shall retort that a haiku that conforms to the 5-7-5 form might as well be in Japanese as well. A "haiku" is simply verse, why the complexity?

unconsciously awakens
the sleeping mind

When I'm tired my mind makes odd connections. Perhaps not unlike a semi-lucid dream. Within this frame of reference things seem to be consistent; the irrational makes sense as if the root of negative one were a real number. Maybe it is a real number...somewhere...(in my imagination)...

straight road of reason
known and boring

clinging frightened
familiar logic fades to pink
tickles the mind

sideways irrational
open the walls of mediocrity
free from the familiar

There is a tendency to shy away from risk, from the unknown, from pretty much anything unfamiliar. There is safety in what I know; to stray into unchartered lands of unencountered experiences poses unknown hazards and uncalculable risks. It's scary. I'm more scared (appalled?) of the idea of life becoming stale; of not taking any risks. Surely life is about growing. It seems like a greater risk to be alive yet not be living. Sure there's mistakes and pains and heartaches and regrets and all the rest but there's also discovery and joy and wonder and reward. If someone gives you a basket of fruit and half of it is rotten, eat the half that is good; even if bad things are given to you, you don't have swallow all of it. Make the good things in life a part of you, discard the bad.

Strange tangents. Who's listening? Don't know. Need sleep.


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