Monday, August 22, 2005

C'est la vie, mon ami...

(that is life, my friend)

Today has been one of those days... Been thinking about a lot of unpleasant things.

Heard about how that girl died. Tragic. One of those horrible things that could have been easily averted. Makes it worse, I think; knowing that something small would have made a world of difference.

And I've been getting more annoyed about my summer roommate. If it's not enough that he takes all the dishes (they're not just dirty, they've vanished) now I've noticed that he's been eating my cereal and drinking my milk. Okay, I'd understand if he didn't have any food or something, but he has his own cereal and milk. Why's he using mine!? So now all my milk is gone. I only had two bowls of cereal and milk before my bowl disappeared... GRRRRRRR! Yes, and he hasn't paid me for any of the electric yet...and he still doesn't clean up after himself; spilled stuff all about the kitchen...

I'm really not sure what to do about it. We have no rapport since he's a worse hermit than I (I hope that's all it is, maybe he's really plotting to make me go insane). And I'm a little nervous about barging in and losing my cool, but if I wait much longer without doing anything I'll for sure lose my cool. *sigh* ...if only people could be better people, then this wouldn't even be a problem...

Of course it wouldn't be a full day if I didn't do some introspecting. Which feels like a mistake. Now I'm trying to figure out how I can be less easy going. But it's true. Sometimes I'm too worry free about life, irresponsible, procrastinating, spontaneous, mischievious, detached, whatever you want to call it... If I'm not more careful, it'll be the little things in life that trip me up. Yup, just I wait and see, one of these days I'm going down!.


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