Sunday, August 28, 2005

Mmmmmm... la vita e bela...

I wanted to get out and start working on some new paintings/drawings so I drove up to the Blues (or is it the foothills?) just east of the state-line. It was awesome. Dirt roads, fields, valleys, trees, and fresh air. I think I saw a lynx, but I didn't get a good look so I'm not sure. And the sunset was truly incredible. The towns in the valley were small and distant and the sun set through gold-rimmed clouds of purble and pink with the sky fading through aqua and blue. I could even see the Snake River winding away in the distance, just under the sunset. I didn't have time to do much else but sketch out the composition before it started getting dark. I'll have to paint it later.

I love those moments of peaceful solitude. I wonder what life would be like without such pauses for fresh air...


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