Thursday, September 01, 2005

Roller Hockey

No roller hockey last night. That was sad. How am I going to get my roller hockey fix?...

In other news, looks like Nzwi got some luggage, guess he'll be moving out soon. Just when I was contemplating if it would be worth it to domesticate him, perhaps demonstrate the use of a broom, vacuum, and mop... ah, maybe too much sarcasm. I can understand the whole laziness thing, but it just irks me since I have to put up with such slothfullness... maybe it's life's payback for the times I slacked off... oh well...

I'm trying to decide what time to leave tomorrow. I'm planning on heading to Rosario for Michael and Marci's wedding. Then I'll drive back in time for some paintball on Monday, and maybe a few hours of work


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