Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Looong Weeekend

What a long weekend!... I only drove about 1600 miles or so... and gas is so expensive.

Rosario was really cool. Michael and Marcy's wedding was really nice. I helped out a little bit with random things. Very nice; ceremony was on the beach, reception was in Lindgren Hall. Charity and I went swimming between the ceremony and the reception and it was pretty cold. I'd never gone swimming in the pacific before, though I'd been tidepooling a couple times before; really salty!

So, after Rosario, I drove back to WW and then played paintball on Monday morning and then drove up to Kelowna in the afternoon/evening. Then this morning (Tuesday), I headed back down from Kelowna. Incidentally, if you're Canadian and you own a vehicle registered in the states, they have to do some extra paperwork. Something about importing a vehicle, or making sure you aren't importing it, or whatever... so that's an extra 5-10 minute stop both ways... oh well, it wasn't too bad.

Yeah... so it's definitely been a long weekend


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